Hugin Campaign: P4AD Props Up Big Pharma Senator Bob Menendez

MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — After reports that Patients for Affordable Drugs Action, a Super PAC run by career Democrat operative David Mitchell who profited off of Big Pharma, began running two new ads, the Hugin for Senate campaign released the following statement:
“Patients for Affordable Drugs (P4AD) should either practice what they preach or just admit they are a partisan front group run by a career Democrat operative whose been on the payroll for pharmaceutical companies to the tune of millions of dollars. David Mitchell and P4AD say they want to 'defeat politicians who are in the pockets of Big Pharma and to help elect candidates who will stand up for patients and fight for lower drug prices,' but then they turn around and spend millions to try and save corrupt, career politician Bob Menendez," said Press Secretary Nick Iacovella.
“Menendez took $1 million in campaign contributions from Big Pharma and then repeatedly voted to block less expensive generic and imported drugs in the Senate, while voting to force Medicare patients to pay more. He helped create the system we have today during his 25 failed years in Washington."
Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez. For more information visit