Hugin Campaign Releases New Ad Targeting Menendez

Senator Menendez Can’t Selectively “Believe Women”
Public has a right to know the facts and decide for themselves

MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ ─ Bob Menendez is a hypocrite. Last week in a speech on the floor of the Senate, Bob Menendez called for all women to be believed. Yet, Menendez claims that no one should believe the underage women who accused him. The public has a right to know all the facts about the FBI investigation into Senator Menendez and decide for themselves.

The Hugin for Senate campaign today released a new TV ad that provides the facts about shocking FBI and U.S. Department of Justice documents detailing specific corroborated evidence of credible allegations that Senator Bob Menendez had sex with underage girls in the Dominican Republic.

Click HERE to watch the ad.

U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin released the following statement:

“The people of New Jersey have the right to know all the facts regarding the FBI investigation into Senator Menendez and this ad gives them that opportunity,” said Hugin. “Ultimately, it will be up to the voters to decide whether they believe Senator Menendez and convicted felon Dr. Salomon Melgen, or whether they believe the FBI, Obama Justice Department, and the women whose allegations about Senator Menendez were found to be credible by federal authorities.”

President Obama’s Department of Justice, in sworn federal court documents, said it had specific, corroborated allegations that Senator Menendez and his convicted felon “best friend” Dr. Salomon Melgen had sex with underage prostitutes. When confronted with questions related to his travel to and from the Dominican Republic during the times in question, Senator Menendez lied. The U.S. Department of Justice called his story “demonstrably false.”

Hugin Campaign Co-Chair and former State Senator Diane Allen called out Bob Menendez’s hypocrisy regarding the credible and corroborated allegations against him.

“Just days ago, in a speech on the Senate floor, Bob Menendez said that we should believe women who make allegations of sexual assault,” said Allen. “Why, then, should we not believe the allegations by these women who claimed to have had sex with Senator Menendez when they were underage? These are allegations that President Obama’s Justice Department believed to be credible and backed up by corroborating evidence. He can’t have it both ways.”

For those who will question why these young girls chose to remain anonymous, Hugin Communications Director Megan Piwowar pointed to the scarcity of sexual assault and rape victims who publicly come forward, even in the United States.

“In the United States, only 23% of sexual assault and rape victims come forward to publicly tell their story, in part, out of fear they won’t be believed,” said Piwowar, citing a U.S. Department of Justice December 2017 report. “Shame on those who question why a teenager living in the Dominican Republic would be afraid to publicly accuse a sitting United States Senator and, arguably, the most powerful and connected businessman on the island. The fact that they were brave enough to come forward at all is remarkable.”


FACT: The FBI and President Obama’s Justice Department had specific, corroborated evidence to back up allegations that Senator Menendez had sex with underage girls in the Dominican Republic. Those women never recanted. It’s also important to note these are not the same women who recanted in affidavits released by Dr. Melgen’s cousin.

FACT: The FBI also discovered a “black book” listing Menendez 9 separate times alongside the names and phone numbers of multiple women in what an FBI agent testified looked to be a ledger of prostitution activity.

FACT: The pilot of Menendez’s friend, convicted felon Salomon Melgen, also testified he flew “young girls” who “look[ed] like escorts” on Melgen’s plane. In addition, the FBI confirmed that young women who received substantial sums of money from Dr. Melgen were at Casa De Campo at the same time as Menendez.

FACT: Confronted with the FBI’s corroborating evidence that placed Menendez in the same place at the same time the alleged sex with underage victims took place, Menendez lied. The Obama DOJ called his denials “demonstrably false.” Menendez and his legal team argued in federal court documents that these allegations, even if true would hardly be a crime.

Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez. For more information visit

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