MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — Following reports that a Donald Scarinci Super PAC began running a new ad to support Bob Menendez, the Hugin for Senate campaign issued the following statement:
"Unethical birds of a feather flock together, so it’s no surprise Don Scarinci, longtime made-man in the corrupt Menendez machine, is propping up a Super PAC in support of his corrupt, law-breaking friend to lie about Bob Hugin's record. The assertion that it costs 65 cents to cure cancer is a flat out lie, and everyone knows it," said Hugin Press Secretary Nick Iacovella." "Bob Hugin invested $20 billion into research and development, and it has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. While Menendez continues to lose the support of everyday New Jerseyans, it’s clear the only place he can turn to is a thug like Scarinci. The last time New Jerseyans saw Scarinci, he was on the stand in Menendez’s corruption trial struggling to explain his ‘role’ in a pay-to-play scam with convicted felon Salomon Melgen.
"Not only is Bob Menendez corrupt, but he is a total hypocrite. He took $1 million in campaign contributions from Big Pharma and then repeatedly voted to block less expensive generic and imported drugs in the Senate, while voting to force Medicare patients to pay more. He helped create the system we have today during his 25 failed years in Washington. New Jersey deserves better.”
Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez. For more information visit