Hugin Releases New TV Ad: New Jersey is Getting “Screwed”

New Jersey is Getting “Screwed”

MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — Today, the Bob Hugin for Senate campaign began airing a new ad titled “Screwed,” which continues to inform New Jersey voters of corrupt, career politician Bob Menendez’s record of failure.

"This ad leaves no room for doubt of how career politician Bob Menendez’s failed, corrupt track record has embarrassed New Jersey," said Hugin Communications Director Megan Piwowar. "New Jersey deserves a Senator as good as its people, not one trying to stay one step ahead of the law. We’re confident New Jersey has had enough and will elect a Senator we can be proud of again, Marine veteran and business leader Bob Hugin.”



Under Bob Menendez, for every tax dollar New Jersey sends to Washington

We get back only seventy-seven cents.

Dead last in the country.

Menendez spent thirty years in politics serving his donors. Living large.

Getting indicted by Obama’s Justice Department.

And found guilty of breaking the law by the Senate 

While New Jersey got screwed.

Bob Menendez: Failed on corruption.

Failed as our Senator.

Send in a Marine.

Disclaimer: I’m Bob Hugin and I approve this message.

Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is running for U.S. Senate against incumbent Senator Bob Menendez. For more information visit



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