MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ — U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin will meet with local business owners, elected officials, and residents on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 for a roundtable discussion in response to the Administration’s rescissions package proposing $15 billion in cuts to federal funding, including $7 billion from the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and $107 million from funding for Hurricane Sandy relief.

WHO: U.S. Senate Candidate Bob Hugin, Sheriff Michael Mastronardy, Seaside Heights Mayor Anthony Vaz, Seaside Park Mayor Matthies, Point Pleasant Beach Mayor Stephen Reid, Freeholder Ginny Haines, Freeholder Jerry Little, Assemblyman Greg McGuckin (LD10), Seaside Park Councilwoman Gail Coleman, Seaside Park Councilman Matt DeMichele, and business owners.

WHAT: Business Roundtable on Rescission Cuts

WHERE: 500 Boardwalk, Seaside Heights, NJ 08751

WHEN: Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 1:30 PM

"New Jersey is already dead last in investment we get back from Washington and our state would be further burdened by the Administration’s rescissions package, which would cut $7 billion in funding to the bipartisan Children’s Health Insurance Program and $107 million in Hurricane Sandy relief funds. Tomorrow's discussion is what our representation should have been doing all along: listening to those hurting the most," said Hugin. "I support efforts to be fiscally responsible, but I strongly oppose any effort that will unfairly hurt New Jerseyans. I’m running because New Jersey deserves a Senator who will fight for our fair share of federal investment because it’s unacceptable for hard-working, overtaxed New Jerseyans to suffer more at the hands of career politicians in Washington. Congress should reject the rescissions package."

Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is seeking the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate to challenge incumbent Democrat Senator Bob Menendez.



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