Hugin: Senate Ethics Committee: Menendez is GUILTY

Senate Ethics Committee: Menendez is GUILTY
Hugin Calls on Menendez to Resign
MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ— Today, the Senate Ethics committee released a Public Letter of Admonition signed unanimously by both Republicans and Democrats to Senator Bob Menendez that, after a thorough and complete investigation, concluded his actions violated federal law, violated Senate Rules, and brought discredit upon the Senate.
"Both Democrats and Republicans that make up the Bipartisan Senate Ethics Committee have found that Senator Bob Menendez violated Federal law and ethics rules. He is an embarrassment to our state and it is time for him to resign," said Hugin.
Bob Hugin, a Marine Corps Veteran and business leader who has created thousands of New Jersey jobs, is seeking the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate to challenge incumbent Democrat Senator Bob Menendez.