Hundreds of New Jersey Activists and Residents Participate in Trump/MacArthur Protest Motorcade and Die-In Action
Hundreds of New Jersey Activists and Residents Participate in Trump/MacArthur Protest Motorcade and Die-In Action
Activists highlighted opposition to MacArthur/Trump AHCA proposals; Trump budget proposals and; demanded truth on Russian interference from administration.
BEDMINSTER -- On Sunday, June 11th, activists escalated their “Summer of Resistance” protests outside Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf club, coordinating a protest Motorcade and Die-in with over 150 participants from across the state of New Jersey. The protests were timed to coincide with the arrival of guests attending the President’s fundraiser for Congressman Tom MacArthur.
“We have convened from all corners of the state to continue to voice the people’s opposition to the policy priorities of this administration,” said Analilia Mejia, Director of New Jersey Working Families, which sponsored the event. “Our intentions are clear. We seek to peacefully announce that it is no longer business as usual in Bedminster, New Jersey or even in our great nation.”
Activists hosted the largest “People’s Motorcade” and a die-in near the property to highlight their opposition to the MacArthur/Trump amendments to the American Health Care Act and the elimination of affordable and accessible healthcare for 23 million Americans. Participants included MacArthur constituents such as Suzy Zander from Burlington County. “We are dismayed at the misguided goals of our congressman and this administration. We are standing up for the 23 million Americans who will find themselves sick and without options if these two succeed.”
Activists also called attention to the negative effects the Trump budget will have on their communities, and their demands to seek truth from the administration in light of the President’s attempts to dissuade former FBI Director, James Comey from investigating Russian ties within Trump’s circle. “We must continue to show our true patriotism by demanding our government stay true to its principles and vision. If it means denouncing actions from the Executive-in-Chief, so be it,” said Jim Girvan from We the People NJ-07, co-sponsor of the day's actions.
Dozens of activists were expected and over 150 showed up by the end of the afternoon. The motorcade culminated with a “Die-In” and rally at the Clarence Dillon Public Library.
The motorcade is part of sustained “Summer of Resistance” activism organized by New Jersey Working Families Alliance, its affiliates, and partners.