HUP Team: Labrosse/Canestrino Team admits lying about campaign mailing

HACKENSACK, NJ – In a stunning admission of their dishonesty and abuse of power, the Labrosse/Canestrino Team confessed to lying to Hackensack taxpayers about the targeted recipients of their recent taxpayer-funded campaign mailing. Mayor John Labrosse had publicly insisted that the controversial mailing was sent to “taxpayers,” while high-priced campaign spokesman Philip Swibinski said it had simply been sent to “residents.”
After both were caught lying as a result of an OPRA request, and after a complaint was filed with the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office for misuse of public funds, Swibinski confessed that the taxpayer-funded mailer had been sent to registered voters only. Mayor Labrosse had no comment on the scandal, possibly on the advice of legal counsel.
In a mea culpa press release, Swibinski defended the mailer by stressing the importance of keeping “residents” informed of activities in Hackensack. Then, in an astonishing moment of candor, he explained that the Labrosse/Canestrino Team didn’t want to spend extra money to send the mailer to non-voters. “Mayor Labrosse says he cares about all ‘residents’ in our community, except of course, the ones who aren’t eligible to vote for him,” said Caseen Gaines, Campaign Manager for Hackensack United for Progress.
As is routine for the Labrosse/Canestrino Team, their press release contained over a dozen false statements. One glaring one was the assertion that the City Manager had approved the taxpayer-funded campaign mailing despite the Manager having stated publicly that he knew nothing about it. “Swibinski can’t stop lying even when he’s trying to explain away himself and Labrosse getting caught lying,” Gaines said in amazement.
Gaines noted the conspicuous absence of any explanation for the personal information the Labrosse/Canestrino Team obtained from that list on 12,041 Hackensack residents. “Why did they compile information on residents’ religion, ethnicity, language, income, age, date of birth, political party affiliation and multi-year voting history?” asked Gaines. “It’s that kind of disrespect for privacy and civil rights that has provoked countless lawsuits at taxpayer expense,” Gaines added.
“Unlike Mayor Labrosse, our candidates will work hard for every resident, regardless of their voter history, and respect the rights of each and every one of them,” Gaines said in conclusion.
Hackensack United for Progress candidates Lara Rodriguez, Jason Some, Michael Williams, Carlos Merino and Rommy Buttafuoco have a long history of community service and are eager to restore honest and responsible government to Hackensack. They plan to increase ratables through responsible development and end the reckless borrowing which is destroying Hackensack’s future. They plan to hire and promote employees based on merit and put an end to the cronyism and unlawful conduct of the Canestrino/Labrosse Administration.
Hackensack United for Progress is a broad-based coalition of residents, merchants and organizations united to end the chaos and corruption of the past four years and put Hackensack back on the path to success as a community.

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