Hurricane Maria Evacuee Information Session to be Held June 11 in Paterson

Hurricane Maria Evacuee Information Session to be Held June 11 in Paterson

Federal and state officials on hand to answer questions and provide help in registering for assistance

June Marks Hurricane Preparedness Month

June 6, 2018

(TRENTON) – On June 11, the New Jersey Department of Human Services (DHS) will hold an information session in Paterson for people affected by the devastation from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.

The evacuee information session will be held Monday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Christopher Hope Center at 60 Temple Street in Paterson.

During the free event, evacuees can learn about the FEMA disaster assistance programs they may be eligible for and how to apply for them, as well as assistance available from the State of New Jersey.

This will be the eighth such event, with previous sessions taking place in Perth Amboy, Vineland, Jersey City, Elizabeth, Burlington County and twice in Camden.

Attendees can find out about state programs they may qualify for, including health care, cash assistance, housing assistance and food assistance.

Programs include NJ FamilyCare (NJ’s Medicaid program), WorkFirst NJ (NJ’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program), the New Jersey Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (NJ SNAP), and General Assistance (GA) programs.

The event will also include representatives from the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and other New Jersey voluntary organizations involved in disaster relief.

The information session is part of an ongoing effort by the state and DHS to help displaced Puerto Ricans in New Jersey.  DHS has also assisted and provided information during meetings of the Governor’s Commission on Puerto Rico Relief.

Hurricane Maria made landfall September 20, 2017 in Puerto Rico as a Category 4 hurricane, devastating the region and destroying the island’s power grid.  Thousands of evacuees have relocated to New Jersey in the aftermath of the storm.

The Atlantic hurricane season officially began on June 1, which also marks Hurricane Preparedness Month.  To read New Jersey’s Hurricane Survival Guide, visit

For more information on how to register with FEMA for disaster assistance, call 1-800-621-3362 or

WHENMonday, June 11 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.

WHERE: Christopher Hope Center

               60 Temple Street

               Paterson, NJ 07522

WHO: FEMA, Department of Human Services’ Division of Family Development, Department of

           Human Services’ Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services, American Red Cross,

           The Salvation Army and various NJ Voluntary Organizations

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