Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology in Motor Vehicles on Thursday Assembly Joint Committee Hearing Agenda

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology in Motor Vehicles

on Thursday Assembly Joint Committee Hearing Agenda

Assembly Science, Innovation and Technology Committee and the Assembly Commerce and Economic Development Committee to Hear from Stakeholders, Academics


**Also: Committee Members to Test Drive Hydrogen Powered Vehicles

Following Hearing


(TRENTON) – To better understand the range of benefits that can help address many of New Jersey’s energy, environmental, and economic issues, Chairmen Andrew Zwicker (D-Somerset, Mercer, Middlesex, Hunterdon) and Gordon Johnson (D-Bergen) will convene a joint committee hearing on Thursday to receive testimony on the use of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in motor vehicles, material handling equipment, and stationary power applications.

Two hydrogen-powered vehicles from Honda and Toyota will also be onsite for committee members to test drive after the hearing. Test drives will begin in the parking lot located outside the Statehouse Annex on Barrack Street.

Representatives from automakers Honda and Toyota, Plug Power, Inc, Fuel Cell Energy, and Nel Hydrogen/Proton Onsite are among the invited guests. Providing academic insight into fuel technology, Andrew Bocarsly and Jay Benziger of Princeton University will also testify Thursday.

The hearing will be streamed live at: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/media/live_audio.asp.

The joint committee will meet Thursday, October 11 at 1:00 PM in Committee Room 11, 4th Floor, State House Annex, in Trenton.

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