Wisniewski: Hypocritical Phil Murphy Owes Back Pay to Employees
SAYREVILLE, N.J. - Once again ex-Goldman Sachs banker Phil Murphy’s hypocrisy is front and center with his inability to tell the truth to the voters of New Jersey. Like his support for fracking companies, Phil Murphy has refused to put his money where his mouth is by paying his employees $12.50 an hour.
According to ELEC reports, Murphy has shortchanged his hired canvassers, paying only $50 dollars per four hour shift, which is peanuts compared to the amount of money he has spent on the total campaign.
Murphy owes these employees back pay. He spent millions of dollars buying the support of party bosses and the party infrastructure, and yet, the people Phil Murphy hired to go door-to-door and spread the message of a $15 minimum wage only receive $12.50 per hour. This is unacceptable.
The Wisniewski campaign calls on Phil Murphy to provide back pay to his employees or drop out of the race. Under Murphy campaign the rich get richer and the working man gets shafted. Its very clear he does not have back of those who work hard to make a living.
“This is typical Wall Street bank behavior,” said Wisniewski. “Like they teach at Goldman Sachs, he pays people at the top all the money while shortchanging the employees who do all the work. It’s time to stand up to Phil’s hypocrisy. On behalf of these hard working souls, I demand that Phil Murphy give his employees back pay to bring them up to $15 he says he supports. It’s time to do the right thing. Phil can't stay in this race if he can't back up his words.”
Phil Murphy desperately wants to be seen as a progressive on issues, despite his personal actions that indicating the exact opposite. The icing on the cake is that in the same advertisement for a job where he won’t pay people the money he thinks they deserve, Phil also claims to be a progressive. Which is rich given that $15/hr is a litmus test issue for progressives.
We cut the following commercial to highlight Phil Murphy’s hypocrisy on the issue:
The advertisement for Phil Murphy’s canvassing:
Phil Murphy Democrat for NJ Governor Campaign
-Current shifts available: Mon-Thu 4pm-8pm and Sat-Sun 11am-3pm and 12pm-4pm
-All shifts take place throughout Monmouth County and are expected to fill quickly.
-$50 per shift with the potential for more as a canvass lead.
-Training provided
-Pre set, easy to walk turf.
-No cumbersome paperwork, downloadable smartphone app is used.
-A fun, easy way to enhance your college applications/resume and support an awesome, progressive candidate.
Said John Wisniewski, “It’s the defining metaphor for the Phil Murphy campaign: Whether it’s his campaign staff, the party bosses, or the money he’s showered around the state, the political class is getting their’s while the less connected and less powerful are shut out. It’s time to call Phil Murphy out - pay these people or leave the race.”