Hightstown — Bud Thoman, president and business manager of the 4,600-member Local Union 94 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, today endorsed Steve Sweeney's re-election bid to the State Senate.
Speaking on behalf of the Local's Political Education Committee, Thoman called Sweeney a powerful voice for labor with a record on behalf of working families that demands respect.
"Steve's an ironworker," Thoman said. "He's never forgotten what it's like to work - and work hard - for a living.
"More than 700 of the brothers and sisters of Local 94 work in Steve's district. They know first-hand what it means to have Steve fighting for good jobs and decent wages.
"Steve has never been more than a phone call away whenever the union has needed help with anything in Trenton
"Labor needs Steve in the Senate. We're proud to support him today."