IFPTE Endorses Bob Menendez, Jr., for Congress

IFPTE Endorses Bob Menendez, Jr., for Congress


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             

WASHINGTON, DC – This week the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) announced its support of Robert Menendez, Jr., for Congress.   In doing so, the following IFPTE elected leaders in New Jersey issued these comments:

Gerry Newsome, IFPTE Executive Vice President/Atlantic Area Vice President:

“There is little doubt that like his father, Bob Menendez, Jr., will take with him to Washington a strong belief in collective bargaining, which is critically important to New Jersey’s working families.  IFPTE is proud to support him.”

Sean McBride, IFPTE Atlantic Area Vice President/Local 196 President:

 “Local 196 and IFPTE are honored to support Robert Menendez, Jr., as he seeks to represent the constituents of New Jersey’s 8th Congressional District.  Given his strong support for New Jersey’s public sector workers and their unions, it is no surprise that he has garnered quick support across our labor movement.  IFPTE is here for him as well.”

Tim Rudolph, IFPTE Atlantic Council President/Local 195 President:

“Bob Menendez, Jr., has proven that he will stand with working families throughout New Jersey and our nation.  For example, we are confident that he will cosponsor and be a vocal leader in passing the Public Sector Freedom to Negotiate Act, which is critically important legislation for State and Local workers here in New Jersey and nationwide to mitigate the damage done by the Supreme Court’s ideologically-fueled Janus decision.   We are happy to support him.”

Barry Kushnir, Local 194 President:

“IFPTE Local 194 is proud to support Robert Menendez, Jr., in his candidacy to represent New Jersey’s 8th Congressional District. Menendez  shares our commitment to respect, inclusiveness and the belief that all working people should have the tools to succeed. He will be an outstanding representative for the state and New Jersey’s 8th District.”

IFPTE represents upwards of 15,000 State and Local workers in the State of New Jersey.

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