Ignoring an Attack on the U.S. Capitol and a Botched Federal Pandemic Response, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli Believes Trump’s Policies “Worked”


Ignoring an Attack on the U.S. Capitol and a Botched Federal Pandemic Response, Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Jack Ciattarelli Believes Trump’s Policies “Worked”

TRENTON — During an appearance on “Real Talk with Ronnie” over the weekend, Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli once again offered his full-throated support for President Trump and embraced the Trump Administration’s far-right, radical policy agenda as “very successful.”

Ciatarelli’s ongoing attempt to woo the Trump base comes just one week after he continued to mislead voters about why he attended and headlined a Bedminster “Stop the Steal Rally” in November, claiming that it “turned into something else after I was there. It was never advertised to me as a ‘Stop the Steal’ rally.”

In addition to heaping praise on Trump’s policies, Ciattarelli has previously refused to denounce Trump or the far-right movement that perpetrated the “Big Lie” and incited the U.S. Capitol insurrection, stating both parties share responsibility and “no one is innocent here.

Full Excerpt:


“Trump’s policies worked. If you didn’t like his personality, let me give you five or six policies, and I’ll go through it with you. He played hardball with China, won the war on ISIS, solved Middle East by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, took care of border security, the economy, and he transformed the federal bench to conservative judges, which is healthy for America. On those things, he was very successful.”

“Once again, it’s clear whose side Jack Ciattarelli is on, and this is only the latest example in a series of shameless attempts to prioritize loyalty to Trump over New Jersey values. Jack’s list of Trump policies that ‘worked’ conveniently excludes inciting an attack at the U.S. Capitol, a botched federal response to the pandemic, and repeated efforts to strip health care away from millions of people,” said Murphy for Governor Spokesman Jerrel Harvey. “Jack Ciattarelli is another transactional Christie-era insider who is out of touch with the issues that matter, and New Jersey voters will reject his desire to bring Trumpism to the state.”


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