Insider NJ Reader Judy's List of Things to Do While Quarantined
By Judy
Balance your checkbook
Polish your shoes
Wash sneakers on gentle wash
Address holiday & birthday cards
Shred old receipts, bills, etc.
Sort paper piles & discard as possible
Sort files in file cabinet
Annotate backs of photos
Clean cabinets under sinks
Wash hats & mittens
Wash pet beds
Groom cats & dogs daily
Get tax papers organized early
Write/send “I appreciate you!” cards
Repair small broken things/sew
Polish your silver items
Wash shower curtain/liner: gentle wash
Clean up houseplants
Reinforce all loose buttons on clothes
Write your life story in chapters
Scrub all soap dishes
Clean out your toolbox/sharpen tools
Read unread books on your shelves
Do puzzles/word puzzles/map puzzles
Take online classes non-credit
Watch what you taped off TV
Learn how to do a good online search
Listen to new radio stations online
Find old lost friends & classmates
“Travel”/sightsee online
Go online to museums
Learn another language online
Knit/crochet baby blankets for hospitals
Play with basic art supplies
Wash blankets/duvets/bedspreads
Paint a wall/room/hall
Write snail-mail letters
Learn to cook/bake something new
Teach yourself to knit/crochet
Empty clothes closet & clean it
Start a donation bag of clothes etc.
Switch wall art around