Jersey City DWI Checkpoints This Weekend
JERSEY CITY – According to a national study, 40 percent of traffic-related deaths during the holidays resulted from drunk drivers compared to 28 percent the rest of the year. Between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, more than two times more people die in alcohol-related crashes. With more people expected to be traveling during this Thanksgiving weekend, the Jersey City Police Department will be conducting a sobriety checkpoint to deter and detect motorists who choose to drink and drive.
As part of the Jersey City Comprehensive Traffic Safety Program, the Jersey City Police Department has been awarded the Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund in the amount of $11,731. These funds are awarded through the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety to support DWI Enforcement initiatives within local jurisdictions.
Law enforcement officials will be evaluating drivers for signs of alcohol or drug impairment. Police officers will also target impaired drivers by observing moving violations such as no seatbelt, reckless driving, speeding, aggressive driving, and cell phone use.
“Our message is simple – Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk,” says Police Chief Michael Kelly. “We encourage anyone planning on drinking this Thanksgiving weekend, or anytime for that matter, to be responsible and designate either a sober driver, arrange for an Uber ride, or use the transit system. Sobriety checkpoints and roving patrols will be implemented throughout the upcoming holidays. So chances are if you are impaired, you will be caught and arrested.”