Jersey City Encourages Community to Shop Local during the 2019 Small Business Scavenger Hunt

Jersey City Encourages Community to Shop Local during the 2019 Small Business Scavenger Hunt


What:             Mayor Steven M. Fulop and the Small Business Services of Jersey City Economic Development Corporation will host the 2019 Jersey City Small Business Scavenger hunt, a citywide event this weekend to help market small businesses and encourage all to shop and buy local.


More than 600 new small businesses have opened in Jersey City in the past five years, with more than 8,000 jobs created and unemployment reaching historic lows. The Fulop administration has been aggressive in assisting small business growth across the city, and this scavenger hunt is the latest innovative effort to draw paying customers to the “mom and pop shops”, the entrepreneurs, and all other small business owners who are the backbone of the City.


Nearly 50 businesses are participating from bakeries to cafes, jewelry to housewares, clothing stores and more. Anyone can join the fun by picking up clue cards at participating locations.  Prizes will be awarded at the closing party on Sunday.


Media is welcome. For more information and a full list of all participating businesses, please click here.


When:             Scavenger hunt
Starts: Friday, August 9, 2019 at 12 p.m.

Ends: Sunday, August 11, 2019, at 3 p.m.


Closing party
Sunday, August 11th, 2:00pm – 5:00pm

Apple Tree House, 298 Academy St., Jersey City, NJ 07306.


Where:           Players can begin the Scavenger Hunt from these Start locations:

Ward A - La Belle Boutique, 154 Danforth Ave

Ward B - Heir's Men's Shop, 525 West Side Ave

Ward C - JB's Bake Shop, 60 Sip Ave

Ward D - Griot Cafe, 434 Central Ave

Ward E - Roflcopter Toys & Gifts, 298 Newark Ave or Kanibal & Co, 197 Montgomery St

Ward F - Snapdragon Coffee & Social, 190 Monticello Ave


Who:              Mayor Steven M. Fulop, City of Jersey City

Jersey City Economic Development Corporation

Jersey City Small Businesses

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