Jersey City Protecting Most Needy: Expanding Free Showers and Food Services amid Covid-19 State of Emergency

Jersey City Protecting Most Needy: Expanding Free Showers and Food Services amid Covid-19 State of Emergency



WHAT:          Mayor Steven M. Fulop and health officials will announce the city’s increasing humanitarian efforts during the Coronavirus pandemic by expanding life-saving services for the homeless - including the reopening of free public showers, supplying meals and personal hygiene kits to support them, while also assisting the county to secure temporary housing for the homeless to self-quarantine as well as isolation for the homeless who have tested positive for COVID-19.


WHEN:          Tuesday, March 24th at 9:30 a.m.


WHERE:        Journal Square Public Showers

270 Magnolia (parking garage)

Jersey City, NJ


WHO:             Mayor Steven M. Fulop, City of Jersey City

Stacey Flanagan, Director of Health and Human Services

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