Jersey Renews: New Jersey is the East Coast Leader in Advancing the Transition to Electric Trucks

For Immediate Release: December 20, 2021

New Jersey is the East Coast Leader in Advancing the Transition to Electric Trucks

Trenton, NJ -- Today, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection finalized the Advanced Clean Truck (ACT) Rule and Fleet Reporting Requirement. New Jersey became the first state on the east coast, joining California, Oregon and Washington, to establish a Clean Trucks program. The program will increase new in-state sales of electric medium and heavy-duty trucks starting with model year 2025. In addition, the Fleet Reporting rule sets a one-time reporting requirement to obtain information about the in-state operation of fleets of vehicles over 8,500 pounds that will inform future decisions concerning further emission reductions from the transportation sector.

This move by Governor Phil Murphy will significantly reduce tailpipe emissions and improve air quality. The transportation sector represents the largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in New Jersey, at 42 percent of statewide emissions. While medium and heavy-duty trucks and buses account for only 4 percent of all vehicles on the road, they make up nearly 25 percent of transportation sector greenhouse emissions. The worst of this pollution burden is concentrated in New Jersey’s low-income communities and communities of color, with the majority of bus and freight depots located near or within BIPOC and low-income neighborhoods.

Increasing the number of electric trucks on the road can also create good new jobs in electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure such as charging station installation and grid upgrades, as well as in the trucking and logistics industries themselves. In the wake of a public health crisis that’s worsened by air pollution and that has left thousands of New Jerseyans unemployed, we need policies like this one that can put people back to work tackling climate change and making our communities healthier.

“Clean air is key to student health, and student health is key to academic success,” said NJEA President Sean M. Spiller. “This new rule will bring more environmental justice to New Jersey communities and will make our schools even more successful in the future.”

“The Advanced Clean Truck rule is a major step forward for our climate and the health of our communities, as it electrifies the dirtiest vehicles on New Jersey roads," said Hayley Berliner, Clean Energy Advocate with Environment New Jersey. "If we want to reach our ambitious climate goals, we must electrify everything on wheels in New Jersey and the Advanced Clean Truck rule is a critical way to do just that. We want to thank Governor Murphy, the NJDEP, and the entire administration for making New Jersey the East Coast leader for truck electrification."

"With these new clean truck rules, pollution will go down and good-paying union jobs will go up. That's a pretty nice equation, said Scott Campbell, president of the NJ State Electrical Workers Association. "Our members already install and maintain electric charging stations and transmission lines. We're looking forward to even more job opportunities as we build out the infrastructure needed for new fleets of electric commercial vehicles."

"Climate change is becoming ever more dangerous, as we can see from the growing casualties due to extreme weather events. The Advanced Clean Truck Rule is a smart, strategic move that will make New Jersey a leader in a new generation of clean, electric vehicles, bring cleaner air for state residents and create good-paying jobs for New Jersey workers,” said Debra Coyle, Executive Director, New Jersey Work Environment Council.

“As more states act to adopt the ACT rule, it will create a tidal wave of demand for zero emission technologies and innovation - bringing more options and driving down costs. We know switching to all electric powered truck at our ports and in goods movement will not happen overnight; but it is an essential element to protecting public health, addressing the climate crisis, and creating family sustaining jobs for all regardless of the zip code you live in,” stated Amy Goldsmith, NJ State Director, Clean Water Action.

"As educators, we've long been concerned about high rates of childhood asthma and other diseases that are aggravated by pollution in New Jersey's dense transportation corridors,” said Donna Chiera, President, American Federation of Teachers New Jersey. “Healthy children do better in school and are better prepared to be part of a healthy future for our state. Thank you Gov. Murphy for setting a path towards cleaner air with a new generation of electric heavy and medium vehicles on our highways.

"By adopting the Advanced Clean Trucks rule, New Jersey has demonstrated its strong commitment to a clean energy future by significantly decarbonizing its transportation sector," said Jaqi Cohen, Director of Climate and Equity Policy at Tri-State Transportation Campaign. "Transportation currently accounts for the largest percentage of New Jersey's overall greenhouse gas emissions, in large part due to its heavy reliance on diesel fueled vehicles. By advancing the ACT, New Jersey will significantly reduce the transportation sector's reliance on dirty fossil fuels, and will act as a leader on climate change and lead the way for the rest of the nation. The adoption of the ACT is a win for our communities, our public health, and the future of our transportation sector, and we applaud Governor Murphy and the NJDEP on their decision."


Jersey Renews is a a coalition of more than 60 labor, community, faith, social justice and environmental organizations working on state-based climate solutions. More information about Jersey Renews here.

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