Jersey Water Works Statement on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address

Jersey Water Works Statement on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address


TRENTON, March 8, 2022 — Jersey Water Works (JWW) Co-chairs Nicole Miller and Andy Kricun released the following statements on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address:


“Jersey Water Works is grateful for the Murphy administration’s commitment to making life more affordable for New Jersey residents,” said JWW Co-chair Nicole Miller. “Our shared goal of improving New Jersey’s aging water infrastructure can provide affordable access to clean and healthy water and support good, local jobs building or repairing these systems. The work of our partners helps to create safe drinking water and stormwater systems that keep toxic sewage out of our waterways and basements. We look forward to the continued prioritization of water infrastructure issues from Governor Murphy and the NJ State Legislature.”


“The Jersey Water Works initiative is committed to the notion that everyone, no matter where they live or who they are, is entitled to safe drinking water and clean waterways at an affordable cost,” said JWW Co-chair Andy Kricun. “We are grateful to the governor, state legislature, and federal legislators for all of their efforts to prioritize funding for water infrastructure to protect the public health and the environment. We hope that the coming year also brings the same commitment to providing assistance to New Jersey’s most vulnerable communities and households by continuing to prioritize water infrastructure funding and low-income assistance, especially for those who need help the most.”

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