JerseyCAN and Better Education for Kids Issue Statement on the New Jersey’s 2019 Student Learning Assessments Scores 

JerseyCAN and Better Education for Kids Issue Statement on the New Jersey’s 2019 Student Learning Assessments Scores
“The Department of Education’s plan to issue an RFP this fall for a “next generation” assessment is troubling given the lack of information being provided about the intended assessment and without first having more a public statewide discussion on what should be included in the succeeding assessment. Additionally, continued legislative uncertainty on graduation requirements complicates moving forward with the issuance of an RFP. Over the last five years, with the help of our outstanding teachers and administrators, our students have made steady gains in both English language arts and mathematics. However, the fluctuations in this years’ results demonstrate that it is more critical than ever to identify how to move all of our students towards proficiency. Understanding the roadblocks that continue to plague New Jersey’s mission to close the achievement gap is especially important. Doing so, unfortunately, is hindered by the significant uncertainty that remains regarding how and when the State will move towards a “next generation” assessment. Given the recent results, it is imperative that we ensure continuity and stability and focus on improved student achievement as we move towards a “next generation” assessment.”

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