Jim Johnson Statement on Equal Pay Day

Jim Johnson Statement on Equal Pay Day

Today, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jim Johnson released the following statement on Equal Pay Day:

“New Jersey’s future depends on guaranteeing equal pay for equal work. It is time for us to end the discrimination that women, mothers, and particularly women of color face each day in New Jersey and our nation. In New Jersey, women make 82 cents for every dollar a man earns. What’s worse — New Jersey ranks highest among states with the largest pay disparities for women of color. Black women and Latinas in New Jersey make 53 cents and 43 cents, respectively, for every dollar a man earns. We must and can do better.

“The wage gap not only harms women but also impacts our children, our families, and our economy. As Governor, I will pass equal pay legislation to break down the structural barriers that hold too many women back, lift our families out of poverty, and set New Jersey on a path toward gender equality.”


For more information on the campaign, please visit: http://jimjohnson4governor.com.
Follow on Twitter: @JimJohnsonNJ.

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