Jim Johnson Unveils “Trump Protection Plan” To Defend New Jersey From President Trump And His Administration

Jim Johnson Unveils “Trump Protection Plan” To Defend New Jersey From President Trump And His Administration

Releases Plan Down The Road From Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster 


BEDMINSTER, NJ — Today, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jim Johnson unveiled his “Trump Protection Plan,” a five-point agenda to defend New Jersey from President Trump and his administration. Johnson released his plan at a press conference down the road from the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

“A week ago, President Trump spent the weekend in New Jersey. Hundreds came out to protest because they know what I know — Donald Trump’s values are not New Jersey values, and his hate-filled agenda has no place here,” said Johnson. “Today, I unveiled a ‘Trump Protection Plan’ because we’re facing an administration that is constantly threatening what binds us together as Americans — the rule of law, respect for immigrants and all people, health care as a human right, building an economy that works for everyone, and protecting our planet. Donald Trump and his administration full of right-wing conspiracy theorists and former Goldman Sachs executives have proven that the federal government will be no friend to working families. We must stand up, fight back, and ensure that our state governments and Governors are the last line of protection for our residents.”

As Governor, Johnson will respond to the actions of President Trump and his administration by doubling down on core American values and investing in our communities. Johnson’s five-point “Trump Protection Plan” for New Jersey includes pushing back against the Trump Administration’s attacks on the following fronts:

1) The Rule of Law: To protect against Trump’s attacks on the rule of law, Jim pledged to appoint an Attorney General who will fight against the Justice Department’s efforts to turn back the clock on vital reforms to our criminal justice system, voting rights, and fundamental justice for all our people, and appoint judges that reflect the strength, talent and diversity of our state. Jim knows Attorney General Sessions well, having tangled with him when he was in the Senate and Jim was the Under Secretary of Treasury, so he has no problem pushing back against his harmful policies.

2) Immigrant Rights: To protect against Trump’s egregious immigration policies and ensure that everyone is treated fairly in New Jersey, Jim will create the New Jersey Immigration Council to help immigrants most at risk, ensure they have adequate legal representation, equal access to education and healthcare, and ensure municipalities are not stripped of needed federal funds. The Immigration Council’s first task would be creating a “lawyer surge” to provide pro bono legal services on immigration cases.

3) Health Care: To protect the people of New Jersey from the potential loss of health care services under “Trump Care”, Jim Johnson pledges to support a Medicare-for-All single-payer health care system if the Affordable Care Act is overturned, and ensure Planned Parenthood and other family planning providers have the resources they need to provide critical and life-saving care to communities.

4) Working Families: To protect families hurt by Trump’s policies, fueled by his Goldman-Sachs dominated administration that favors corporate interests and Wall Street over kitchen table concerns, Jim will pass a Families Bill of Rights that will protect homes and address economic inequality by providing strong housing and foreclosure protections, ensuring a $15 minimum wage, equal pay for equal work, paid family leave, and affordable child care, as well as passing a millionaire’s tax and dedicating some of the revenue to implement pre-K for all children.

5) The Environment: To protect New Jersey’s environment from the climate-change denying and corporate polluting Trump Administration, Jim will implement a strong, science-based environmental protection policy that includes stopping oil pipelines, supporting clean energy production, reversing Governor Christie’s executive order weakening environmental regulatory standards and appointing a Chief Science Officer along with other experts in key state environmental posts.

“Three weeks from today, voters will step into the voting booths to elect the first representative of the Democratic Party to confront the Trump Administration. Here in New Jersey, Democrats have a choice between seizing our leadership role or abandoning it. As Democrats, we need to send a message about what we believe as a party and how we want to respond in the face of the politics of hate and fear. I’ve spent a lifetime fighting back against injustice and inequality. This is a fight that I’ve prepared my whole life for. This battle is in my bones and I will continue it as Governor of the great state of New Jersey.”

Read the full Trump Protection Plan here.

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