Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, files over 1500 signatures on May 20th at the Office of Elections in Trenton


Joanne Kuniansky, Socialist Workers Party candidate for New Jersey governor, files over 1500 signatures on May 20th at the Office of Elections in Trenton

The Socialist Workers Party 2021 candidate for governor, Joanne Kuniansky, has filed petitions with 1500 signatures, almost double the 800 required, to get on the ballot in November.

Kuniansky is available for interviews. She will be speaking at a campaign forum Saturday, May 22 at 7p.m. at the campaign headquarters, 3600 Bergenline Ave., Union City, telephone 551-240-1512.

Kuniansky and her running mate for lieutenant governor Candace Wagner were joined at the filing in Trenton by fellow Socialist Workers Party candidates. They are part of a slate of twenty candidates across the country, running on the party’s platform.

See photo from left to right Róger Calero, candidate for mayor of New York, Osborne Hart, candidate for district attorney of Philadelphia, Joanne Kuniansky holding the petitions, Candace Wagner, Lawrence Otter, attorney, and Gale Shangold, campaign supporter.

SWP candidates organize support for labor and social struggles. Their campaigns are organizing solidarity with locked-out workers at Marathon Petroleum in Minnesota, striking workers at ATI at nine plants throughout the country, striking coal miners at Warrior Met Coal in Alabama, and other workers fighting like the delivery workers in New York.

“The only way working people can defend our wages and working conditions is to stand up to the bosses, build our own organizations, unions, to fight as a class against the class that exploits us. And to build our own political party, a labor party,” Kuniansky said.

SWP candidates point out what working people are capable of when we act together to defend all the exploited and oppressed and chart a course to replace capitalist rule with a workers and farmers government.

Kuniansky and Wagner have participated in protests in defense of abortion rights, against police brutality, and anti-Semitic assaults. They demand an end to the U.S. government’s embargo on the Cuban people and attacks on their socialist revolution.

Kuniansky is a deli worker at Walmart and Wagner is a freight rail conductor and a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen.

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