Jobs for a Just Transition: Leaders in Energy Efficiency & Job Training Detail Benefits for Individuals, Community, & Environment
Jobs for a Just Transition:
Leaders in Energy Efficiency & Job Training Detail Benefits for Individuals, Community, & Environment
Trenton, NJ - Concerned citizens met at Isles, Inc. on Monday, September 18 to learn about how state support for job training in energy efficiency can improve community health and safety, lower utility bills, bring in local jobs, and fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Organized by Jersey Renews, this event brought together faith leaders, experts in job training and energy efficiency, to emphasize the concrete impact job training has on our communities.
“Isles has trained more than 2000 people in energy efficiency and home safety inspections and installations. Our graduates have secure, well-paying jobs and are able to work in their own communities providing an essential service,” explained Andre Thomas, Training Manager at Isles, Inc. “These jobs serve the dual purpose of reducing utility bills and greenhouse gas emissions. New Jersey needs to implement policies that support energy efficiency job training to give people the skills they need in a clean energy economy.”
“Building a world-class team is the most important job there is for a business owner, and having a pool of local trainees that already have the necessary skill set makes our success that much easier,” noted Scott Needham, President of Princeton Air.
“Isles gave me the tools that would later help me to propel my career with Princeton Air. When I trained at Isles in the weatherization program, I learned how to effectively communicate to customers the scope of the work and how they would save on their energy bills. It is very gratifying to know that I can make a difference,” said Edgar Saul, Princeton Air employee & graduate of Isles' job training program.
“Throughout New Jersey, we are united across faiths to protect and advocate for a clean environment and jobs that pay a living wage. GreenFaith supports the essential service that Isles provides by investing in our communities, and urges the state to support job training programs and hiring to achieve equity and justice,” said Estrella Sainburg, organizer with GreenFaith.
Job training in energy efficiency offers numerous community and environmental benefits: high-quality job opportunities for unemployed and underemployed workers, lower utility bills which benefits many of the poorest state residents, reduction of indoor environmental hazards, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Jersey Renews is calling on state leadership to increase funding and rebuild a robust statewide job training program that can equip workers with the skills they need in the clean energy economy, including technical training for energy efficiency, manufacturing and installation of renewables.
The event was organized by Jersey Renews, a broad-based coalition of labor, faith, community and environmental organizations.