John Flora: Defending the South Mountain Reservation

Defending the South Mountain Reservation

Halting the Construction of the Turtle Back Zoo Amphitheatre

In light of Essex County’s decision to move ahead with the construction of the Turtle Back Zoo
amphitheatre, I strongly condemn the continued efforts to expand the zoo at the expense of the
South Mountain Reservation. The government needs to consider the opinions of local residents
before making any plans. Despite the outrage expressed by many concerned citizens, the zoo has
continued to open the project up to bids for construction.

I have recently worked on urban tree mapping projects with students in Jersey City. Tree
mapping is a way to measure eco-benefits like carbon sequestration and water filtration. Nothing
has been more fulfilling in my experience as a S.T.E.A.M. educator than planting trees with
students and getting them to realize the benefits. This project expands the zoo’s territory for an
amphitheatre, not for habitat. The ecological price is one hundred or more trees and that will
have a lasting impact on the environment around the Reservation, as well as Essex County as a
whole. Despite the county’s alleged commitment to replace the destroyed trees by a ratio of four
to one, the carbon-capturing ability of the existing trees will not be matched until the newly
planted trees reach maturity.

This construction project would not only carry with it large environmental costs, but immense
costs to taxpayers as well. The total cost is about eight million dollars, with
four million expected to be footed by Essex County taxpayers. Though issues with the zoo’s
expansion have been raised in the past, the Essex County government has consistently
disregarded the lives and interests of its citizens.

I speak for the trees because the trees have no voice. But as citizens we have a voice. The people
of Essex County should be heard. A rally is planned on Sunday, March 1st, in front of Turtle
Back Zoo, from 12 PM to 2 PM. It is being organized by the South Mountain Coalition group. I
stand behind the South Mountain Coalition’s efforts to halt this project before construction is
started. I encourage all to attend to stand up to a corrupt government structure that neglects the
concerns of constituents whilst sustaining development contracts for the purpose of profit.

In Solidarity,
John Flora (NJ-10 Democratic Primary Candidate)

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