John McCann Campaign Statement on Steve Lonegan

Lose-a-gan Lonegan, Big Lie Number 1

It’s unfortunate that, Lose-a-gan Lonegan, has begun his campaign by lying to his supporters; Lose-a-gan does not have the endorsement of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).

“Recent Lonegan endorsements were received under false pretenses. He has lied to those elected officials. This race will come down to someone who has a demonstrated fiscal conservative record versus someone who just babbles on and on,” said McCann. “All Steve does is pound the table loudly and lie repeatedly. He does not have the endorsement of the NRCC and it is unfortunate that he has misled elected officials.”

McCann said further, “President Trump has called Steve Lonegan ‘a loser’ and ‘a nasty guy … he’s always lost.’”

John McCann has worked for the last 30 years to actually save money for the good people of this state.

The State PBA has acknowledged John as the “driving force” behind the police merger in Bergen County, saving the taxpayers an estimated $40 million. He received national recognition for playing a major role in killing the Clinton Healthcare Plan, saving not just the taxpayers of New Jersey, but saving Americans for 16 years from government controlled healthcare. In 1995, McCann was the first to introduce the 2% tax cap on property taxes.

There is no room for fake conservatives in our district!

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