John McCann on Ted Cruz's endorsement of Steve Lonegan
As a proven perpetual losing candidate, Steve Lonegan, once again demonstrates he is out of touch with most New Jersey voters. In response to Ted Cruz’ endorsement of Lonegan, John McCann said, “I do not know Ted Cruz, but I do know Steve Lonegan. I know that he has already begun his campaign by lying to the voters.” McCann continued, “He has lost too many elections to count, trolling different districts in the state to push his personal agenda.” President Donald Trump has already branded Lonegan “a perpetual loser” and “a nasty guy.”
As a self-identified leader of the Never Trump movement, he ignored the will of the 13.5 million people who voted for Donald Trump. In the Congressional District 5 counties, President Trump received over 80% of the vote, while Ted Cruise only received 6% of the vote. “A Never Trumper Texas endorsement shows that Lonegan is out of touch with Republican primary voters in Congressional District 5,” said McCann.
John McCann is a problem-solving fiscal conservative with a proven track record of saving taxpayers millions of dollars. “I will always put the constituents of the 5th Congressional District first while defending liberty and the Constitution of our country,” said McCann.