First-Term Congressman Is Already Distinguished as Bipartisan Leader
Pledges to Continue Fighting for Lower Taxes and Jersey Values
Teaneck – Joined by Democrats and Republicans, United States Congressman Josh Gottheimer formally launched his re-election campaign on Friday, pledging to build upon his progress solving problems by continuing to reach across the aisle to find common ground, fighting for lower taxes and standing up for Jersey Values.
“Today, I’m proud and humbled to formally announce that I am seeking re-election to the United States Congress,” said Gottheimer. “Two years ago, you entrusted me with this enormous responsibility – to live up to my commitment of putting progress ahead of party, to work to solve problems by finding common ground instead of extremism on either side, and to stand up for lower taxes and Jersey Values – that’s what I’ve done and that is what I will keep doing – because it’s what you deserve and why you sent me to Washington.”
Joining Gottheimer at Teaneck Fire House #4 were local officials from both parties, including Paramus Mayor Richard LaBarbiera, a Democrat, and Vernon Mayor Harry Shortway, a Republican. The mayors praised the Fifth District Congressman’s commitment to putting progress ahead of party and his proactive efforts to help towns claw back federal tax dollars from Washington through federal grants to help their towns provide law enforcement and firefighters with the equipment they need to keep communities safe.
Gottheimer was also joined by supporters including Teaneck Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin; Ed Donnelly, President of the New Jersey State Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association (FMBA); Vietnam War Veteran Tony Gallop; and Enid Kossar of “Republicans for Josh.” Renee Cavaleri, a resident of West Milford shared how Gottheimer and his staff quickly responded to her call and helped her receive her Social Security benefits.
Gottheimer emphasized his approach of putting the Fifth District’s residents ahead of politics and doing what was best for New Jersey, not a national party agenda.
“We knew then that it was time for change here in New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District. Change from Tea Party extremism that put partisan politics ahead of solving problems from the sensible center,” said Gottheimer. “We also recognized that all sides – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – could and should come together for a common purpose -- to tackle our toughest challenges and seize upon our great opportunities here in northern Jersey. I’m grateful to be joined today by Democratic and Republican mayors, or, as I see at them – as Fifth District mayors.”
Shortly after taking office, Gottheimer was elected Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus – a group of 24 Democrats and 24 Republicans who work together to find common ground on our nation’s toughest challenges. Already distinguishing himself as a bipartisan leader, he was recently named the most bipartisan freshman Democratic member of Congress by the nonpartisan Lugar Center and received the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Spirit of Enterprise Award for his efforts to lower taxes, spur economic growth, create jobs and help businesses thrive.
“As part of our Jobs and Economic Growth Plan, we’ve worked overtime to help our businesses create jobs, grow the economy, and cut out-of-date regulations, including the Regulatory Improvement Act – to help make operating a business here, and living in our state, more affordable,” said Gottheimer. “We can’t afford to raise taxes at any level of government.”
In his first term, Gottheimer has successfully clawed back more federal tax dollars for the District. Before he took office, the District got back just $0.33 for every dollar paid in federal taxes. Meanwhile, Moocher States like Alabama and Mississippi have received back up $4.38 for every dollar they send to Washington. By working with local mayors, Gottheimer has helped return 16% more to the District, or $290 per family, compared to recent years.
“We knew that it was finally time to claw more of our federal tax dollars back home, instead of continuing to prop up those Moocher States who take so much more than they give,” said Gottheimer. Thanks to you, and to the tireless work and ingenuity of our mayors and local officials, of law enforcement and firefighters, and the hard work of our citizens, we brought some bold ideas and Jersey grit to Washington.”
Mayors from across the Fifth District extolled Gottheimer’s persistence and eagerness to work with their towns to help taxpayers get a better return on the tax dollars they send to Washington.
“It should never be about parties but about people and that's what so many elected officials forget. Josh has not forgotten that.” said Vernon Mayor Shortway. “[Josh] is a true representative. He represents the people. All the people. And that's why I will support Josh.”
More important than the talk, [Josh] has walked the walk,” said Paramus Mayor LaBarbiera. “I have a Congressman who is working every day, no matter what the issue, whether it be about our first responders, whether it be about how to save our taxpayers money. Over the past 18 months, I know that Josh has been instrumental in bringing in approximately $2 million back into Paramus, in the form of COPS [grants], equipment, etc. That’s walking the talk. That’s what we need…Last week we went through very difficult times. One of the first guys to call me amongst many other elected official was Josh. And it wasn’t ‘How are you doing?’ it was ‘What can I do?’ Those are the kind of leaders that we need in Washington.”
As the chief architect of a bipartisan New Jersey Tax Cut Plan to reinstitute the state and local tax deduction (SALT) through new town charitable funds, Gottheimer has been fighting back against the Tax Hike Bill that was a massive tax increase on New Jersey residents and businesses.
Gottheimer has also aggressively worked to keep our families safe and to stand up for the veterans and first responders who put their lives on the line for our communities. He is one of just two Democrats in the House to have received a perfect score from the National Association of Police Organizations. He’s introduced legislation to fight Lone-Wolf terrorists and his first measure that passed Congress and was signed into law helps veterans secure employment when they return home. He’s also made it easier for veterans to get the healthcare they need within the District.
The Fifth District Congressman also discussed his Senior Security Strategy to make it more affordable for seniors to stay in the state and enjoy their retirement with their families. In Congress, he’s fought to protect Social Security and Medicare for future generations and has opposed attempts to privatize these essential programs and cut benefits, including voting against a budget plan to end Medicare as we know it.
“So, while governing from that reasonable middle isn’t always easy – especially now when the wings on both sides are so loud – it’s what built this great country,” said Gottheimer. “Our great leaders have always reached across the aisle to get things done. And, if you vote for me in November, I plan to continue to do so – building on the issues we’ve already made important progress on, the values that built our great country, and the bedrock belief that our differences have always been our greatest strength.”