Josh Welle for Congress: Statement

When I was 13, I worked for a catering company in Pt. Pleasant.

When I was 14, I flipped burgers at Mr. Bills in Belmar.

When I was 15, I bussed tables at a restaurant in Spring Lake Heights.

When I was 16, I made sandwiches at Jersey Mike's Subs in Manasquan.

When I was 17, I helped resurrect the Junior ROTC at Wall High School.

These experiences taught me more about workers' rights, poverty, immigration, inclusion, civics, public service, fairness, and justice than any class I took in college or graduate school.

These experiences are at the core of why I am running for Congress.

I want to advance the American Dream by helping people who weren't so fortunate to have the same opportunities that I did -- and ensuring that the next generation does.

I want the next generation to have the same opportunities that I did.

My goal is to put an end to poverty in our community, and to ensure that everyone holds a job they can be proud of. My hope is to spur entrepreneurship and innovation here in the 4th District, and to help people build fulfilling careers.

I am ready and eager to once again take up the mission I held while serving in the Navy: to uphold the values of selfless service, patriotism, and respect for all Americans.

If you have a minute, I encourage you to watch the video below to learn more about my story, and my plans for the 4th District:

We are at a crossroads. We can reassert our shared values and move forward as a nation, striving towards equal justice and equal opportunity. Or, we can slow down, stall, and drift backwards towards a society where selfishness and individualism trump community, and civility becomes an afterthought. The latter is simply not an outcome that any of us should be willing to accept.

Leaders can right the ship. Not just elected officials -- but teachers, coaches, and mentors of all kinds. Let's start a movement we can all get behind, a movement we can all be proud of.

Let's build a better future together. Let's go.

-- JWW

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