Josh Welle Gains More Support from Local Endorsements
Josh Welle Gains More Support from Local Endorsements
Red Bank, New Jersey - In the last few days, Josh has received additional endorsements from several local leaders: Steve Lozowick - Municipal Chairman of the Bradley Beach Democrats Beau Byrtus - Municipal Chairman of the Farmingdale Democrats, Jim Manning - former Mayor of Neptune Township, and Steve Clayton - Ocean Township Democratic Executive Committee member.
Steve Lozowick recognized Josh’s talent for speaking up for our community:
“Josh has a new, clear, and clean voice for the Democratic Party here in the 4th. There is no doubt in my mind he will represent us with integrity and competence in the House of Representatives. He is my choice for Congress in 2018.”
Beau Byrtus highlighted Josh’s natural leadership skills:
“Right now, the American people don’t need party representatives. They need leaders. Josh is the candidate in this Congressional race that will put the people first by working on solutions that will lead to prosperity and truly realize the potential of the 4th District. He understands that no representative works alone."
Jim Manning voiced his confidence in Josh’s plans to create new jobs:
“The sitting incumbent of New Jersey’s 4th District has spent more time concerning himself with issues that do not pertain to the district. There are pressing issues here at home and we need someone to notice that people are struggling right here in the 4th. Josh Welle’s plans for job creation are innovative, modern, and more importantly, realistic. His firm belief in the potential of the 4th District has led me to endorse him for Congress.”
Steve Clayton commended Josh’s ability to build coalitions and deliver results:
“As I have witnessed firsthand in the workplace and in politics, collaboration counts. We need a leader who can work with everyone, seek compromises for the public's good, all while not compromising their values. That is why I am proud to endorse Josh's campaign. Josh will work with anyone in Congress if it benefits the district. He will be the leader who can achieve measurable results for those across the district and beyond.”
Josh Welle stated, “ I am overwhelmed by the support that our campaign has received; this election and this campaign is about everyone. I look forward to working towards a stronger 4th District and creating a vision that people can be proud of their representative. Let’s Get To Work. LET’S GO!"
Josh was born in New Jersey and raised in Monmouth County. He spent 12 years active duty defending America abroad and is now ready to protect New Jersey’s interests here at home. Josh is prepared for the challenge, having deployed to Afghanistan to rebuild their economy and having served as the CEO of a small technology business. He is ready to increase the number of 21st-century jobs, make healthcare accessible to all, and advocate for sensible foreign policy. Josh will be an innovative and bipartisan leader in Congress committed to solving real problems facing New Jersey citizens.