Kate Gibbs' Response to David Richter's Latest Accusation

Kate Gibbs' Response to David Richter's
Latest Accusation
THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, NJ – Tuesday afternoon, Republican congressional candidate Kate Gibbs (NJ-03) released the following statement in response to David Richter's troublesome reaction to Kate's call to use the State's vote-by-mail system amid COVID-19 concerns.
"Let me be clear — yesterday I recommended we keep voters healthy and limit public gatherings during this unprecedented time by holding a fair and safe election using vote-by-mail ballots. David Richter's accusation that I am somehow trying to 'game this election' is just plain bizarre. We're experiencing a global health pandemic and David's focus is how it might affect the possibility that he gets to wear a congressional pin on the lapel of his $3,000 suits? That, folks, is the most David Richter thing ever. I'm embarrassed for him.”