Kate Gibbs Urges Governor Murphy, Legislative Leaders to Hold VBM-Only June Primary

Kate Gibbs

Kate Gibbs Urges Governor Murphy, Legislative Leaders to Hold VBM-Only June Primary
Slams Congressman Andy Kim for “embarrassing and shameful” fundraising solicitation

THIRD CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT, NJ – Republican congressional candidate Kate Gibbs (NJ-03) today urged Governor Phil Murphy and legislative leaders in both parties to pass legislation allowing this year’s June primary to be conducted 100% via Vote-By-Mail ballots due to the increasingly widespread Coronavirus pandemic.

“Today, I urge Governor Murphy and legislative leaders to pass legislation allowing this year’s June primary election to be conducted completely via mail-in ballots to best protect public health in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic that is increasingly spreading in New Jersey,” said Gibbs. “Forget about party labels, we need to come together as a state and as a country and start dealing with this crisis as adults. I recognize the election is nearly 80 days away, but in order to have a fair and secure election, this decision can’t wait. Our Secretary of State, Superintendents of Election, County Clerks, and Boards of Election need to know the rules now to properly plan for June.”

Gibbs also slammed Congressman Andy Kim for sending an email fundraising solicitation using the Coronavirus as a reason for people to send him money.

“As for Andy Kim, his craven decision to send out a fundraising solicitation using the Coronavirus to raise money for his campaign is both embarrassing and shameful,” said Gibbs. “People are scrambling to figure out how they are going to handle childcare, keep their small businesses from collapsing, and ensure their families remain healthy. His fundraising email is gross on every level. He should apologize immediately and return every dollar it raises.”

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