Kazmark On Webber: The Last Thing We Need Is An Extremist Like Jay Webber

Responding to LD26 and CD11 candidate Jay Webber's no vote on pay equity legislation and subsequent war of words with CD11 Democratic candidate Mikie Sherrill, Woodland Park Mayor Keith Kazmark released the following statement:


"Jay Webber is completely out of touch with the working families of the 11th District. His vote on Monday and comments last night make that abundantly clear.


Besides being one of two NJ Assemblymen to vote against equal pay for women, he spends each day of his campaign attacking two individuals who served their country in the United States military.


His campaign of baseless assumptions and political attacks against Mikie Sherrill and even his primary opponent Tony Ghee, both of whom took an oath to defend and protect this country, is designed to deflect from his right-wing extremist voting record.


While Assemblyman Webber spends his campaign attacking, he fails to offer any ideas, proposals or solutions.  He only offers more of what we see today in Washington DC -- deep divides, divisiveness and contempt.  Assemblyman Webber makes no attempt to bring people together, no attempt to compromise and no attempt to help improve the lives of the people here in New Jersey.  Jay Webber offers no path forward for our country and his voting record continues to be completely out of touch with the people he wants to represent.


The last thing we need in Washington is a another extremist, an extremist like Jay Webber."


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