Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean expressed disappointment that Democratic leaders have ignored his offer to work in a bipartisan fashion to enact a moderate increase in New Jersey’s minimum wage and middle-class state income tax cuts.
Kean issued the following statement following today’s minimum wage announcement by Governor-elect Phil Murphy, Senate President Stephen Sweeney, and Assembly Speaker-designate Craig Coughlin:
“It’s clear that New Jerseyans are tired of the extreme partisanship that has consumed national politics in Washington, and they want more civility at all levels of government, including here in New Jersey.
“That’s why my first public statement following the election was an offer to work with Governor-elect Murphy and the Democratic leadership of the Senate and General Assembly on a proposed bipartisan effort to increase the minimum wage to a fair and modern level and cut income taxes for middle-class New Jerseyans.
“My proposal was and remains a good faith effort to put aside partisanship and reach a reasonable compromise in a manner that most legislators, and their constituents, could support.
“While I’m disappointed that New Jersey’s Democratic leaders have not yet accepted my offer to work together, I remain hopeful that they will reconsider.
“It’s not too late for New Jersey to set an example for the rest of the country of how reasonable Republicans and Democrats can work together to improve the lives of everyone they represent.”