Kean: Independent Contractor Bill Will Take Away Worker’s Choices

Kean: Independent Contractor Bill Will Take Away Worker’s Choices

Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean warned of the unintended consequences of legislation that would deem independent contractors to be employees under State law and plans to oppose the bill:

“My phone has been ringing off the hook with calls from people who are genuinely afraid of losing their livelihoods and their companies as a result of this proposed change to how independent contractors are treated under New Jersey law.

“Many people choose to work as independent contractors to have the freedom to work how and when they want, or to earn extra income through a side gig or hobby. There’s a real concern that many of those economic opportunities would disappear if independent contractors, who may only perform a single service or work a few hours a week or month, were required to be treated as employees with all of the resulting rules and regulations that apply to regular, full-time employees of a business.

“For many people, this legislation will deprive them of an important choice in how they work, eliminate income-earning opportunities, and make it even harder to survive in New Jersey.”

The legislation, S-4204, was introduced this month and has already been approved by the Senate Labor Committee. It appears to be fast-tracked for approval during the lame duck session of the Legislature.

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