Kean Resolution Seeks International Investment in New Jersey

Kean Resolution Seeks International Investment in New Jersey
Urges Senate to Help Recruit Businesses to the state
A resolution sponsored by Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean would seek direct investment in the state by foreign-based businesses. The Senate Economic Growth Committee advanced the measure today.
“Everybody wins when employers from around the globe open facilities in New Jersey,” said Kean (R-21). “Global investment can revitalize communities, boost local tax revenue, strengthen real estate markets, and provide jobs and careers for New Jersey workers. In return, companies get access to a highly educated, skilled and diverse workforce that will make it easier to find talent and fill jobs.”
The resolution, SR-27, urges the Senate to help recruit companies to New Jersey from around the globe. Businesses would be encouraged to connect with the Economic Development Authority, the Business Action Center, the New Jersey District Export Council, and Choose New Jersey, Inc. to discuss direct investment in the state.
“Businesses that invest here are impressed by the environment, the quality of life, and a location that is convenient and accessible to the nation’s largest and most active commerce centers,” Kean added. “The state benefits from the resulting economic growth and creation of career opportunities.”