Keith Doll and Jamie Baer Peterson, Democratic Candidates for New Providence Borough Council, Recap Campaign Ahead of Election Day on Tuesday, November 7
New Providence Democrats
Ilyse Rogozenski (e)
For Immediate Release
Keith Doll and Jamie Baer Peterson, Democratic Candidates for New Providence Borough Council, Recap Campaign Ahead of Election Day on Tuesday, November 7
From joint statements and personalized messages and videos, to numerous letters of endorsements, Doll and Baer Peterson have proactively shared their platform and received testimonials on their leadership and character
New Providence Democrats continue to push Get Out the Vote efforts, including neighborhood canvassing, phone banking, visits to local train stations, and more
New Providence, NJ, November 6, 2017—New Providence Borough Council candidates, Keith Doll and Jamie Baer Peterson, recap their campaign ahead of Election Day on Tuesday, November 7th. Linked below are joint statements and personalized messages and videos, along with 10 letters of endorsements from neighbors, colleagues, and friends. The New Providence Democrats continue to push Get Out the Vote efforts, including neighborhood canvassing, phone banking, visits to local train stations, and more.
This election provides an opportunity to embrace the growing diversity of our community – among ages, backgrounds, and beliefs – and reflect it on our Council.
We can draw lines to directly connect how improving pedestrian and traffic safety in our Borough builds upon our other goals in achieving a more sustainable and shopper-friendly downtown district, all of which can ultimately enhance our quality of life.
When we allow our legislators in the state to take back responsibility for assessing communities' need for affordable housing, the public can be included in the discussion and residents will be able to petition their representatives to act in the best interest of their community and hold them accountable for their actions.
Sustainability is the perfect example of an issue where we can do more as individuals, as well as a collective group; plan and implement for short-term gains, and set a bold agenda of long-term goals, all for the ultimate purpose of establishing New Providence as the model for green communities here in the Garden State.
We are fortunate to have such wonderful open spaces, and we must reinvest in our parks and recreational facilities so they grow alongside us as a community.
As you enter the voting booth, you can trust that the way we ran our campaign is the way that we will serve you as your Council members; and we know that as hard as we have worked to win your vote, we have to work even harder to keep it.
Personalized Messages and Videos
This past year I have seen a need in our town, and I am stepping up to serve. I am running for New Providence Borough Council because it is time for the council to reflect the diversity, values and ideals of its citizens. Now is the time to give the citizens of New Providence a choice, new perspective and a new voice in who will govern our community.
This campaign is about empowering voices and incorporating new viewpoints to the Council that reflect the growing diversity of our community; building bridges between neighbors who have lived here for decades with those, like mine, who are part of the next generation of New Providence.
Letters of Endorsement
Whatever Jamie joins, becomes better. This will happen on the Town Council.
I am fully invested with my life and my family in the future of this community and for that reason I am enthusiastically endorsing and supporting Jamie and Keith. There is no doubt in my mind they are the people I want making decisions for this wonderful community where my family’s story is being written.
In addition to being a hands-on mom, Jamie is also an opera singer, a teacher, and community volunteer. She always makes time for all that need her. I am strongly convinced Jamie Baer Peterson will be a valuable asset to the New Providence Council.
Jamie and Keith embody the qualities of great public servants. Jamie's keen intelligence, talent, positivity, sense of humor, and incredible commitment to our community -- along with Keith's dedication to strong family and middle-class values -- would add a fresh energy and perspective to our Borough Council.
As a 29-year resident of New Providence and an unaffiliated voter, I am delighted to support Jamie Baer Peterson and Keith Doll for New Providence Borough Council. Jamie has served the town in many ways in the 20 years she has lived here, and Keith is truly the face of young families in New Providence.
I love that Jamie is not a politician. She is a mom-of-three, a former opera singer and a concerned New Providence resident. She is someone I relate with, and who I have witnessed trying to make decisions with her conscience.
After more than fifty years of a Republican-run town council in New Providence, I think it’s time for change. Two terrific Democrats are running this year—Jamie Baer Peterson and Keith Doll. Both candidates provide a diversity of ideas, perspectives, backgrounds, and party identification in New Providence.
The New Providence Borough needs Jamie and Keith to add fresh perspectives, ask questions and improve the quality of planning and decision making.
I was lucky to have Keith as my nurse and now as my friend. I have no doubt that Keith will bring this same level of care and commitment to the residents that he will serve as councilman.
New Providence needs Council members who work on teams, who understand the importance of communication, and who value working with a diverse community.
In addition to being a 20-year resident, I served as the New Providence Recreation Director for 11 years (through 2015). From both my personal and professional lens, I wholeheartedly endorse Jamie Baer Peterson and Keith Doll for Borough Council. They possess the vision, willingness to listen, and commitment to the community that New Providence needs to put us on the path to a better future.
This Tuesday, November 7th, vote Keith Doll and Jamie Baer Peterson for New Providence Borough Council. Polling locations will be open 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Districts 1, 3, 4, 5 | DeCorso Community Center (Senior Center)
15 East Fourth Street |
Districts 2, 6, 7 | Municipal Center
360 Elkwood Avenue |
Districts 8, 9, 10, 11 | Fire House
175 Floral Avenue |
For all news and information about Keith Doll and Jamie Baer Peterson, please connect with their campaigns here: and