Kennedy: Brigid Harrison Should Call on General Majority SuperPAC to Stay Out of The NJ2 Primary

Brigid Harrison Should Call on General Majority SuperPAC to Stay Out of The NJ2 Primary
SuperPAC spending proves that Harrison is the machine-backed candidate
Brigantine, NJ - Today, General Majority PAC, the South Jersey machine’s super PAC, started running ads on behalf of Brigid Harrison. Unlike Amy Kennedy, Brigid Harrison has failed to take the no corporate PAC money pledge and has refused to call on super PACs to stay out of the race.
The following is a statement from Josh Roesch, campaign manager, Amy Kennedy for Congress:
“Today, the South Jersey political machine has proven what Brigid Harrison has attempted to deny from the beginning of this campaign, that, just like Jeff Van Drew, she is their hand-picked candidate. The South Jersey political machine has attempted to rig this primary from the very beginning, just as they did with Jeff Van Drew. Now here comes the machine-funded super PAC cavalry riding in to spend money for Brigid’s losing campaign because they can see that even their rigged endorsements have not deterred the people of South Jersey who want real change and believe Amy Kennedy will deliver that change. Brigid’s hypocrisy is on full display following her visceral and personal attacks on Amy and her family for the fact that a super PAC spent money on Amy’s behalf, despite the fact that Amy asked that super PAC to stop spending money in this race. Unless Brigid wants to finally own the fact that she is the machine candidate, she should immediately disavow the General Majority PAC spending and call on them to stay out of this race.”