Kennedy Campaign: South Jersey Can’t Rely on Jeff Van Drew to Advocate for Covid Relief


Kennedy Campaign: South Jersey Can’t Rely on Jeff Van Drew to Advocate for Covid Relief


Brigantine, NJ — Today, following reports that Republican leadership will refuse to include federal aid for state and local governments, putting public services like schools, police, firefighters and more at risk, Josh Roesch released the following statement.


The people of South Jersey are struggling, there are record levels of unemployment, mile long lines of cars at food banks and countless businesses struggling to stay afloat. It’s been seven months since Van Drew pledged his undying support to President Trump, since then we’ve only seen him serve himself and his own interests. Van Drew has no plan to provide our community the relief it needs, and can’t be trusted to put politics aside to fight for South Jersey. The people of South Jersey deserve true representation and a leader who will serve the people they were elected to represent. Amy understands the needs of the people of South Jersey and will work tirelessly to fight for her community, including relief from the health and economic crisis we are facing.”


In addition to federal aid for state and local governments, Amy believes the next relief package should include: small business aid, direct relief to help families stay afloat, support for first responders, funding to make sure schools have the resources they need to move forward and a federal mask mandate.

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