West Long Branch, NJ – The Guadagno for Governor campaign today released a new web ad, "Really?” Standing outside the State House in the ad, Guadagno calls for setting better priorities in Trenton and asks for New Jerseyans to join her campaign for governor.
As a part of her Audit Trenton plan, Guadagno would scrap plans to turn the State House into the 'Palace of Versailles' if elected governor. Instead of spending $300 million of our tax dollars on renovating the State House, Guadagno has proposed setting up a charitable foundation to raise funds from private sources to make any necessary repairs to the aging building. This effort can be assisted by making charitable contributions tax deductible.
The Trenton politicians want to spend $300 million to renovate the building that's right behind me right now. Really? At a time when we have the highest taxes in the country, we have the highest foreclosure rate in the country, and we still have a million people who go to bed hungry every night? Trenton has lost sight of everything that's important in New Jersey. We need lower taxes. We need less spending, more trust in our government. We need to do better. We need to take that $300 million and help those people put a roof over their head and food on their table. If you're interested in joining me in setting better priorities for everybody who works in that building behind us, sign up on KimForNJ.com.