Kipnis, GOP Youth Call Out New Jersey's 'Unhinged Left'

Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman took to Facebook to defend Maxine Waters’ recent comments calling on Americans to attack supporters of the president’s agenda. National leaders on both sides of the aisle have since condemned Waters’ remarks. New Jersey’s next generation have since condemned these attacks.
“My opponent’s post from her official Facebook page once again demonstrates why she is unfit to serve as the voice of the people of New Jersey’s 12th district in Congress,” said Daryl Kipnis, the Republican nominee running against Watson Coleman in the 2018 Midterm election. “The fact is that the unhinged Left is calling on their supporters to violently attack those with whom they disagree. Rep. Watson Coleman, Gov. Phil Murphy and Sen. Bob Menendez continue to ignore my calls for them to denounce the rhetoric of Maxine Waters which means they condone it. That is neither leadership nor representation. That is madness.”
New Jersey Teenage Republican Chairman Kennith Gonzalez blames Coleman and Waters for the recent attack on a teenage republican in Texas. “Just this week, a teenager fell victim to the radical left when he was assaulted by a 30 year old “adult” who stole the MAGA hat off of his head, dumped soda on him, and shouted profanity at him while he was out at a restaurant,” the Republican leader went on to say, “The Democrats are claiming that intolerance is ruining this great nation but neglect to admit they are the ones causing the division. This is why my generation is trending to the right and wants to defeat the democratic agenda. There is no room for hatred in this country and public leaders should not be calling for these kinds of attacks.”
NJYRF Chairman Giancarlo Ghione doubled down in his belief that Republicans are going to maintain both chambers of congress in this mid-term cycle. “America was built on the understanding that there will be a difference of opinion. It is disgusting to see Bonnie insinuating that these attacks are justified. She is just another out-of-touch career politician that has spent too many years entrenched with the Pelosi agenda. Americans are sick of it, and the #WalkAway Campaign on social media exemplifies this. A great number of young people who had considered themselves to be liberal are ready to show that the Democrat Party no longer represents them this November.”