Krychiw Endorses Scutari for Another Term as Union County Chairperson


We all have traveled different paths to get to this point. In Union Township, during the 2019 Democratic primary, our path was hard fought. We have seen divisiveness here for a while now and it is impacting our schools, businesses, and residents, and we cannot allow it to continue. We have witnessed firsthand local tactics that aim to open the oldest, deepest wounds in our community and we cannot allow them to bleed over into this county or state. The time to unite is now and that is why I formally endorse State Senator Nicholas Scutari for reelection as the Union County Democratic Chairperson.

Our slate of Democratic County Committee representatives overcame a large barrier to entry. We weren’t invited to the party, but we showed up, we kicked the door down, and now we’re here. We are here to give a voice to those who felt they never had one before. That is why dozens of people joined our line for County Committee, got newly involved in local politics, and stepped up to make a change. We won our seats because our residents are tired of politics as usual. They called for more accountability, communication, and transparency from elected officials and that is a sentiment that resonates with us all. However, we cannot move forward if we are concerned with feuds of the past.

The work we must do over the next few years will not be easy, but transformative change never is. First and foremost, we need to address the “isms” in society. Racism. Sexism. The frequently forgotten ageism. In a county as diverse as ours, no ideas, rights, or contributions should be denied or discounted based on how someone looks, their sexual orientation, or anything else. We are stronger when we are inclusive and united and it is through that strength that we can begin to solve our most pressing issues. Income inequality, mentorship opportunities for our youth, programs to help the lower and middle classes, and social and criminal justice reform are just a few examples. A government should work for the people, not for itself.

As we move toward important elections in 2020 and beyond, it is time we all join together to ensure these goals are achieved. We have an opportunity to set an example for the rest of the state and we must seize it through steady leadership and progressive ideals. This is why Senator Nicholas Scutari has my support and endorsement for Union County Democratic Chairperson

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