Labor Letter re: OPRA

Dear Governor Murphy, Senate President Scutari, and Speaker Coughlin,


As unions representing over tens of thousands of members across the State, we write to you in strong opposition to A4045/S2930, currently on fast-track consideration in both the Senate and Assembly. This legislation would make sweeping changes to the Open Public Records Act, severely limiting public access to government documents and related information. Furthermore, we are seriously concerned about the rushed nature of the process. These extensive reforms require a thoughtful and deliberate process that provides labor unions and other stakeholders with appropriate time to review and give input.

The OPRA statute is a crucial safeguard for democracy and ensures transparency and accountability in government. At a time when protecting our democracy is more important than ever, we should be enhancing the public’s trust in government and not restrict access and dismantle transparency. The OPRA statute is designed to ensure openness and transparency in government, by making government records readily accessible to the public for inspection, copying, and examination, with certain limited exceptions. This bill expands the already extensive list of exceptions and places additional obstacles in the path of the public to obtain access to government records. This would be a giant step backward for transparency and democracy in the state of New Jersey.

This bill will harm our ability to access information used in collective bargaining and to represent our members. As labor unions, access to government records is crucial to our ability to represent our members. Furthermore, as organizations representing tens of thousands of public citizens, and many public servants in the state, it is our responsibility and duty to protect our members’ civil rights.

We are very concerned by the inexplicable urgency to fast-track such a consequential bill. The amendments included in the bill are extensive and require thorough review and debate by labor unions, members of the public, and stakeholders who seek the disclosure of government records to promote the public interest in democracy and open government. There is no reason for such limited time for review and comment unless the intention is to restrict public input. Scheduling simultaneous hearings in both Assembly and Senate on the same day further underlines that point.


As labor unions representing the working people in the state of New Jersey we rely on our ability to access government records. We urge you to closely work with us and other stakeholders to ensure that any reforms of the Open Public Records Act will lead to positive outcomes for those who believe in good government, transparency, and democracy.




New Jersey State AFL-CIO

1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East


AFSCME New Jersey Council 63

ATU NJ State Joint Council

Communications Workers of America, District 1

Health Professionals & Allied Employees HPAE

Hudson County Central Labor Council

International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers

IFPTE Atlantic Council

IFPTE Local 196

IFPTE Local 194

The NewsGuild of New York

Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU)

Rutgers AAUP-AFT

Rutgers Adjunct Union, PTLFC-AAUP-AFT

United Council of Academics at NJIT, AAUP-AFT

United Steelworkers Local 4-200

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