WEST CALDWELL — Yesterday, the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) — one of the largest and most powerful labor unions in New Jersey — endorsed Mikie Sherrill for governor, praising her commitment and record of delivering for the men and women of organized labor. The support came as Mikie visited a Laborers construction site at the Rutgers Cancer Institute, where she spoke with workers on the job about her vision for our state and how, in Trenton, she will advocate for working families.
“On behalf of the 25,000-plus unionized laborers living and working in New Jersey, LIUNA is proud to endorse Mikie Sherrill to be our next governor,” said Mike Hellstrom, LiUNA Vice President and Eastern Region Manager.
“In August, when we first called on Mikie to run for governor, we cited her experience, her solutions-driven approach to problem solving, and her deep understanding of the issues affecting LIUNA members and their families as qualities that would make her an excellent governor,” Hellstrom continued. “We’re thrilled she heeded our call to enter the race and are proud to recommit our support and the full power of LIUNA to Mikie Sherrill and her campaign.”
The granddaughter of a UAW member, Mikie has always stood strong with organized labor. After constant roadblocks from the Christie and Trump administrations, Mikie helped deliver New Jersey’s fair share of federal funding on the Gateway Tunnel Project — the single-largest infrastructure project in American history, which will create good-paying union jobs and reduce commute times for families.