Labrosse/Canestrino Team “Hit List” Exposes Council’s Abuse of Power

Labrosse/Canestrino Team “Hit List” Exposes Council’s Abuse of Power 

HACKENSACK, NJ – Adding to their string of documented scandals plaguing their City Council re-election bid, recently exposed legal documents (attached) prove that Mayor John Labrosse and Deputy Mayor Kathy Canestrino drafted a “Hit List” of municipal employees, which they sought to have fired upon winning their election four years ago. Based on their record in office, the revelation came as no surprise.

During the past four years, the Labrosse/Canestrino Administration has repeatedly been sued by City employees for retaliatory and unlawful conduct, costing taxpayers over a million dollars to date. It has now been revealed that Labrosse and Canestrino’s unlawful conduct began before they even took office, when they created a “Hit List” of career Civil Service employees who they planned to target to replace with their political cronies.

Hackensack United for Progress has obtained a copy of a transcript of sworn testimony from a former City Manager who Labrosse and Canestrino hired – and who later sued them for their unlawful conduct toward him and for illegal conduct involving city business. They settled that lawsuit for over a half a million dollars, conceding that their actions were indefensible and essentially admitting their wrongdoing.

That former City Manager, who had also served as Chairman of their Transition Team, stated in sworn testimony that at the very first transition meeting, Canestrino named the career City employees who she and Labrosse wanted to target for termination. It was explained to her by several members of the Transition Team that Civil Service employees are protected from political firings. Disregarding their admonishment, Labrosse and Canestrino went after those employees upon taking office. They have already paid out huge settlements in several lawsuits related to their “Hit List,” and taxpayers are on the hook for millions more pending suits.

Their retaliatory actions against dedicated public employees continues to this day. Shortly after announcing his record-breaking support, Hackensack United for Progress candidate Michael Williams, a retired DARE officer and part-time City employee, was threatened with disciplinary action if he did not immediately leave his position. Additionally, Mayor Labrosse recently sent a letter to the Superintendent of Schools concerning Williams’ Campaign Manager, Caseen Gaines, a highly respected schoolteacher, falsely accused him of wrongdoing and demanded action be taken against him in his job. After taxpayer resources were used at the Mayor’s request to investigate the allegation, the Superintendent determined that there was no wrongdoing.

Hackensack United for Progress candidates Lara Rodriguez, Jason Some, Michael Williams, Carlos Merino, and Rommy Buttafuoco have vowed to re-invigorate the demoralized City workforce. They plan to hire and promote employees based on merit and put an end to the cronyism and unlawful conduct of the Labrosse/Canestrino Administration. The United candidates have a long history of community service and are eager to restore honest and responsible government to Hackensack. They plan to increase ratables through responsible development and end the reckless borrowing that is destroying Hackensack’s future.

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