Lakewood Residents to March For Expanding Access to Driver’s Licenses

Lakewood Residents to March For Expanding Access to Driver’s Licenses


Following major rallies and calls to actions across New Jersey, Lakewood residents march in support of allowing more than 500,000 residents to drive safely on NJ roads


Media Advisory for Saturday, May 19th, 2018, 4 - 5 pm,  301 Lexington Ave, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701



Louis Kimmel,, 732-762-7687

Hera Mir,, 732- 640-8396,


LAKEWOOD--Residents and community leaders will march in support of expanding access to driver’s licenses to more New Jerseyans including undocumented immigrants, seniors, victims of violence, and members of the LGBTQ community. Expanded access to driver’s licenses is expected to benefit everyone through increased road safety, a boost to New Jersey’s economy through collection of fees and insurance payments, and increase the well-being of communities by decreasing the risk of family separation.



New Labor

New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice

Make the Road NJ

Casa Freehold


WHAT: Let’s Drive NJ Campaign rally for the expansion of access to driver’s licenses


VISUALS: Opportunities for photos of residents wearing bright Let’s Drive NJ campaign t-shirts with signs and banners marching in support expanding of access to driver’s licenses for more New Jersey residents. Opportunities for interviews with supporters!


Location:  New Labor Office, 301 Lexington Ave, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701
Facebook Invite:



Saturday, May 19th, 2018, 4-5pm


Interviews available upon request





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