Lamb Blasts Hill for Radical, Self-Serving Agenda
Lamb Blasts Hill for Radical, Self-Serving Agenda
Buermann Avenue, Toms River -- First Ward Councilman Justin Lamb fired back at tax-and-spend Mayor Maurice "Mo" Hill today blasting his latest scheme to drive up debt and smuggle a trojan horse of unwanted downtown development onto the Township's books.
"Mo Hill has been hanging around town hall for 20 years and now he's asking for another 4 years to build massive monuments to himself along the downtown waterfront," Lamb said. "The people of Toms River don't want to see a little Camden on the Delaware constructed in Huddy Park."
Lamb said Hill's recent bond ordinance included hidden costs to facilitate the over-development of the historic downtown waterfront by a North Jersey developer with ties to nearly every major Democrat politician in New Jersey and plans to turn Toms River into New Jersey's "Major Next City."
"The people of Toms River are upset about what's being done to their town," Lamb said. "Mo's twin 10-story towers are modeled after a massive Hackensack project and they’re completely incompatible with our town."
Lamb said Mo and his running mates Kevin Geoghegan, Matthew Lotano and Joshua Kopp have spent four years running up taxes, creating new fees and inventing new ways to consolidate power and enrich themselves.
"Mo drove up taxes a whopping 6%, then he ordered an unnecessary tax revaluation," Lamb said. "Since then, he's increased beach fees 30%, enacted an MCCUO ordinance that more than tripled inspection fees, and created a taxpayer-funded newspaper to publish puff pieces on him as he runs for re-election. It has to stop if we're going to save Toms River."