Lampitt, Women Leaders Decry Hugin Silence on Trump, Kavanaugh



Lampitt, Women Leaders Decry Hugin Silence on Trump, Kavanaugh

Tavistock, NJ – Assemblywoman Pamela Lampitt (LD-6) and other South Jersey women leaders denounced Republican U.S. Senate candidate Bob Hugin, who has a long history of denying rights to women, for staying silent as allegations of sexual assault mount against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and as one of his accusers, Professor Christine Blasey Ford, comes under attack from Donald Trump by name on Twitter, who claimed that if her sexual assault allegations were “as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities.”  Hugin, who took a fight against women’s inclusion at Princeton to the U.S. Supreme Court, donated hundreds of thousands to help elect Trump, served as his New Jersey finance chair, a Trump delegate and on the Trump transition team.

“We’re here to express our outrage and concern about Bob Hugin,” said Asw. Lampitt.  “We’re here to stand for Bob Menendez because Bob Menendez stands for us. … Bob Hugin has remained silent on many things.  He has remained silent on standing up for what’s right for women.  He’s remained silent when other Republicans have made damaging, disparaging, hateful things about women, he has remained silent.  We in New Jersey do not need a silent senator.  Here in New Jersey, we need a senator who is going to be vocal for us.”

“Bob Hugin is the man who’s trying to be our representative here in New Jersey.  He stands with Trump.  Fifteen allegations of sexual assault against our president, and Bob Hugin stands beside him.  Bob Hugin stands beside Trump, who claims it was ‘fake news’ when Dr. Ford came forward against Brett Kavanaugh.  Fake news?  I’m sorry,” Lampitt said.

Asw. Lampitt was joined by Asw. Patricia Egan Jones (LD-5) and Camden County Freeholders Carmen Rodriguez and Susan Shin-Angulo.

“Women of my generation have put up with enough.  It is time to say no to people like Bob Hugin, Hogan, whatever he says he is.  He is not—he’s a hooligan, there you go—he is not for us,” said Asw. Jones.  “He spent his life making a whole lot of money and acting as if the rest of us don’t count. … Bob Menendez is somebody I know personally.  He’s a man of extraordinary, really good character and he cares about New Jersey and he surely cares about the women of this state and the women of our country.”

“Hugin does not represent us.  He does not represent women.  He does not represent minorities.  He does not represent the working class,” said Freeholder Rodriguez.  “Hugin does not care about New Jersey.  The only thing he cares about is making sure the rich stay rich and that Trump can do whatever he wants, which is basically destroy this country.  We cannot allow that.”

“We are, one word, outraged, outraged with Hugin.  Why is he supporting Kavanaugh? … We all know that he’s just supporting Trump,” Freeholder Shin-Angulo said.


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