Lance For Congress: 7 for the 7th District: What do Elizabeth Warren and Tom Malinowski stand for?

7 for the 7th District: What do Elizabeth Warren and Tom Malinowski stand for?

Tomorrow evening, DC lobbyist Tom Malinowski will welcome extreme liberal Elizabeth Warren to the 7th district for a fundraising event.  Warren, in her endorsement of Malinowski stated that she will "stand with Tom". And clearly Tom stands with her. But what exactly are they standing for?

Well, Senator Warren has made it quite clear that she:

  1. Stands for the abolition of ICE;
  2. Stands for higher taxes;
  3. Stands for government, run single-payer healthcare;
  4. Stands for extreme partisanship;
  5. Stands for increased job-killing regulations;
  6. Stands against Israel;
  7. Stands against free trade;

"The fact that Tom Malinowski thinks Elizabeth Warren, a radically liberal partisan warrior, plays well in this district shows how truly little he knows about the 7th district.  7th district voters are pragmatic fiscal conservatives who reject the tax increasing, job-killing policies of Senator Warren. His support of her just goes to show exactly where his legislative priorities lie,” stated Lance Campaign Manager Jim Hilk.


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